Justrite Patent Apld. For Pocket Lamp Lighter
Justrite Patent Apld. For Tip Cleaner with Retractable Wire
Justrite Patented Pocket Lamp Lighter
Hansen Carbide Lamp Tip Reamer
5 Piece Unmarked Lunch Bucket
Trethaway Bros. Lunch Bucket
Lunch Bucket with Built-in Lamp -
Pat'd Apr. 20, 1897
Lunch Bucket with Built-in Lamp - Pat'd Oct. 31, 1871 & Dec. 18, 1877
Lunch Bucket with Built-in Lamp - Pat'd Oct. 31, 1871 & Dec. 18, 1877
National Brand Lunch Bucket
Aluminum Brand Lunch Bucket
Bag of Perfection Oilwick Lamp Wicking
Ball of Perfection Oilwick Lamp Wicking
Bag of Eagle C Oilwick Lamp Wicking
Copper chisel fan made when large masses of native copper were cut up underground to bring them to the surface