Pictured here are a variety of mine lamps that do not appear in the proper individual lamp type albums
Hazleton Machinery Supply Co. - Hazleton, PA
Pocket Style Oilwick Trethaway Bros. - Parsons, PA
Pocket Style Oilwick Trethaway Bros. - Parsons, PA
Open-Face Blende Lamp - Saxony
Taiyo Carbide Lamp S.E. Asia
Hand Oilwick - Alexander Battye Leeds, England
Pocket Style Oilwick Crown - Wm. Tunnessen
Pocket Style Oilwick - Crown - Wm. Tunnessen
Pocket Style Oilwick - D.D. Williams Patent
Hand Oilwick H.L. Piper Montreal Canada
Hand Oilwick Lamp
Lille France - dated 1888
Friemann & Wolf Model 911m Carbide Lamp
Hand Carbide Lamp Portugal
Oilwick Hand Lamp Germany
Mulkay Safety Lamp Leige Belgium
W.E. Teale & Co., Ltd.
Swinton, Lancashire England
Baby Patterson Safety Lamp -England
Safety Lamp Czechoslovakia
Pocket Style Oilwick - Crown - Wm.Tunnessen
Copper Frog Lamp - Germany
Oilwick Cap Lamp.- Trethaway Bros.
Oilwick Cap Lamp - Trethaway Bros.
Presentation Oilwick Lamp
Baldwin Lamp - John Simmons Co.
Baldwin Hand Carbide Lamp
Wm. Pleasants Pat'd Mar. 28, 1899
Lindahl Candlestick with Match Holder Handle
Newcastle Style Davy Lamp
Hughes Bros. Vest-Pocket Davy Lamp
English Fire Boss Unbonneted Clanny
Hughes Bros. Fire Boss Davy
Hughes Bros. Fire Boss Davy with Beard-Mackie Indicator.
Simmons Pioneer Cap Lamp with 3-way Folding Handle
W.B.Bertels Wilkes-Barre, PA
Demon Strike Light Australia
Pinchwaist Baldwin John Simmons Co.
Trethaway Bros Oilwick with Drip Ring and Wire Boot-Kick
Justrite Uncle Sam No.308
Lu-Mi-Num Fred R. Belt Mfg. Co.
Justrite Western Special
Dew-R-Lite Dewar Mfg. Co.
Small Cast Brass Mule Lamp
Larger Cast Brass Mule Lamp
Copper & Brass Unmarked Hanging Oilwick
Friemann & Wolf Model 918e Carbide Lamp
Aluminum Carbide Lamp Germany
Oilwick Hand Lamp - Vacuum Oil Co.
Filed Semi-Fancy Candlestick
Octagonal lenticular Lamp
Octagonal Lenticular Lamp